
I've had enough of all of this 'immigration' talk online and through my local and national news. The Bleeding Heart Liberal Democrats Who encourage this invasion of Refugees with no regard to America's National Sovereignty, Rule of Law or Civil Society. America has a long and proud history of legal immigration Americans can be proud of. Americans Should be Proud of how America came to be and handled immigration issues since it's founding. Ask any American that was born here or not, about their ancestors and they'll proudly tell you about how their family established their family legally in America.
Immigrants traditionally take two paths to reaching this country: Family ties or employment opportunities.
The federal government caps family-based immigration visas at 226,000 a year, and work-based immigration visas at 140,000. Temporary nonimmigrant visas are available but often require applicants to possess particular skills or resources to qualify. Those considered unskilled have a more difficult time. It definitely favors people who have the financial means, skills and education, Immediate relatives of U.S. citizens have relatively short wait times on immigration visas, as do those planning to marry citizens after immigrating. Those holding advanced degrees or considered to have "extraordinary ability" in arts, athletics or business also see low wait times. Processing of work-based immigration visas is slightly better. Immigrants with advanced degrees generally have their applications processed faster, but those listed as "other workers" might wait six to eight years before receiving a decision. The H-2A visa, available for agricultural workers, is capped at 66,000 a year, and farmers have complained that the paperwork and long lead times — an application has to be filed at least 60 days in advance of the need for the worker.
The application fee for employment visas is $720.
Barring amnesty, those without documents have no legal path to legal status.
So Who or What Created this invasion of UAC Refugees through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California?
What happened recently that prompted hundreds of thousands of 'kids' or children' bewteen the ages of 16-31 to flock to America this year?
This degree of Invasion did Not happen under George W. Bush or even the first term of Obama.
So why now?
In June, 2012, then-Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano signed a memo creating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This is the program Rubio was referring to.
The DACA program applies to any undocumented immigrant aged 16 to 31 who came to the United States as a child, has either graduated from high school or is currently enrolled in school, and doesn't have a criminal record. The government basically promises not to deport these youths and adults for two years and allows them to work legally in the United States. They don't get permanent residency or a path to U.S. citizenship, however — as they would have if Congress had passed the Dream Act.

That's why now. Why else?
President Bush signed into law a bill authorizing the federal government to install fencing, cameras, motion sensors and other types of barriers to stem illegal immigration along 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border."This bill will help protect the American people. This bill would've helped make our borders more secure," Bush said before signing the legislation."We have a responsibility to secure our borders," Bush added. "We take this responsibility seriously."We're modernizing the southern border of the United States so we can assure the American people we are doing our job of securing the border." President Bush signed into law Thursday a broad measure that calls for fencing a third of the 2,100-mile border between the United States and Mexico. "This bill will protect the American people, this will bill make our borders more secure. It is an important step in immigration reform," Bush said from the White House Roosevelt Room before putting pen to paper. Bush was joined by Vice President Dick Cheney, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, House Majority Leader John Boehner and several other lawmakers and administration officials.
Bush said the United States is a nation of immigrants but also a nation of laws."Unfortunately, the United States has not been in complete control of its borders for decades, and therefore, illegal immigration has been on the rise. We have a responsibility to address these challenges, we have a responsibility to enforce our laws, we have a responsibility to secure our borders. We take this responsibility seriously," Bush said.
The Secure Fence Act of 2006 gives the secretary of Homeland Security 18 months to get "operational control over U.S. international land and maritime borders" by improving surveillance through personnel and technology as well as "physical infrastructure enhancements to prevent unlawful border entry and facilitate border access by U.S. Customs and Border Protection." The measure provides for at least two layers of reinforced fencing and the installation of additional barriers through 700 miles of portions of California, Texas andArizona. The legislation also demands the secretary report to appropriate committees in Congress on its progress and "the necessity, feasibility and economic impact" of the construction. It also gives the Department of Homeland Security the authority to decide where to use the fencing and where to use the department's preferred option of a virtual fence comprised of cameras, vehicles barriers, checkpoints, lighting and motion sensors, which officials say is more economical and just as effective. New Hampshire Republican Sen. Judd Gregg estimates that about half the 700 miles will actually be fence.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates the project will cost roughly $2.2 billion, or about $3.2 million per mile.
Just Pennies in a Bucket Compared to recent Legislation that both parties are trying to get approved right now.

Why am I bringing up the Border Fence right now?
Before and After Bush Signed the Border Fence Bill into Law to be Built, it had the Large Majority of Support of the American People because Most Americans Understand this Important Issue.
Support for Mexican border fence up to 68% By Rasmussen Reports
That Border Fence was Popular to Most Americans, Passed both Houses of Congress and was signed by a Sitting President into LAW! That Counts!
That used to mean something.
So what happened to the Widely Popular Border Fence?
It was never Funded by Obama and then Obama Scrapped it.
Obama administration scraps border fence Critics say project didn't boost security and was waste of taxpayer money 1/14/2011
That was the REAL Start and Beginning of all of this UAC Refugee Invasion.
So if You're paying close attention and following along to what I have written about in this post. There should be no doubt about Who is Responsible for the CURRENT Immigration Crisis impacting America right now.
It should also be crystal clear how and why this invasion of children are coming now and not earlier. There should be no doubts. None whatsoever.
I will not pin all of the blame entirely on the Democrats, Obama and the Media. They deserve the brunt of it but the leadership of the Republican Party has to accept some blame for the recent immigration crisis also. Why?
Back in August of 2013, Sen. Marco Rubio warned House Republicans that if they don't pass a bill, Obama will act on his own: "I believe that this president will be tempted, if nothing happens in Congress," Rubio said, "to issue an executive order as he did for the Dream Act kids a year ago, where he basically legalizes 11 million people by the sign of a pen."
Thank God enough Republicans held strong in Principle to defeat immigration bills that Major Leaders in the House and Senate, Speaker John Boehner, then Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and many other prominent leaders of the GOP were trying Strongarm, Mucsle and shove across the finishline.
Not just Rubio, Boehner, Cantor, McConnel but also so called future Presidential Nominees of 2016 like Jeb Bush Who now Famously said, it is "Yes, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony" but "illegal immigration is “It’s an act of love. It’s an act of commitment to your family."
So it was weakness showing on both sides of our government and in the public arena of our mainstream media that invites this kind of open borders invasion into America.
I made the argument of Who are the UAC. Just to be sure. I'll spell it out and make it real easy and even add a link further explaining what UACs are.
Unaccompanied Alien Child or UACs - Here's a Great Link giving further explanation of what UACs are.
I laid it out for why I thought and truly believe they will continue to keep coming here until we secure our borders and make it clear we only want people to come here the LEGAL WAY ONLY!

Here's what the CSMonitor.com article says about UACs and the What's behind the flood of UACs right now.
Border crisis 101: eight things to know about unaccompanied childrenSince last October, more than 52,000 unaccompanied children have crossed the US-Mexico border illegally – a surge that has taxed US resources. The White House says “most” of the children, many from Central America, will be deported. But is that realistic? What kind of rights do these children have?
With the help of the Bipartisan Policy Center, a Washington-based think tank, here’s a look at today’s immigration crisis and how it compares to the recent past.
1) What is an “unaccompanied alien child”?That’s a term used by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to categorize many of the children who have flooded across the southern US border since last October. Many of them are in fact not alone, and some are even accompanied by a parent, but are classified as “unaccompanied alien children,” because of how they are processed.
To avoid classification as “unaccompanied,” a child must prove that any accompanying adult is either a parent or guardian. DHS used to extend custody to close family members, like grandparents and adult siblings, but opted for a stricter definition in 2006. Even if an accompanying adult is confirmed to be a parent or guardian, that adult may be placed in detention as a criminal alien, separate from the child, and so the child becomes “unaccompanied.”
Also, a lack of bed space may force a child’s adult companion to be housed in separate facilities, rendering the child “unaccompanied.”
2) What are the trends with unaccompanied children?
In fiscal year 2013 – Oct. 1, 2012 to Sept. 30, 2013 – 82 percent of the 47,000 children age 17 and under apprehended on the border were unaccompanied. Between FY 2009 and FY 2013, the number of apprehended unaccompanied children doubled. That number is on track to double again by the end of FY 2014.
The absolute number of children being apprehended at the border is similar to that of the early-to-mid-2000s, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center. But as a percentage of all apprehensions, the number has been rising. That figure ranged from 8 to 10 percent before the recession, but went up to 11 percent in FY 2013.
3) Where are these children from, and where are they going on the border?
An unprecedented number are now from Central America. In FY 2004, 83 percent were Mexican.
So far in FY 2014, just 24 percent were from Mexico, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center.
The biggest flood of unaccompanied children has occurred in the Rio Grande, Texas, border sector. Between FY 2013 and 2014, about 93 percent of the increase in apprehensions has taken place there.
4) Why does country of origin matter?
Mexican children can usually be deported easily. But children from Central America have additional rights, under a 2008 law aimed at curbing child trafficking. The law grants children from countries that don’t border on the US the right to formal removal hearings.
The Department of Health and Human Services takes custody of these children and places some with sponsors. The number of migrant children in government custody has more than tripled between FY 2011 and FY 2013. That number is on pace to double again in FY 2014, overwhelming US facilities.
5) How old are these children, and how many get “relief” in the US?In FY 2013, 24 percent were 14 or younger when they arrived. That’s up from the 10 to 15 percent who were 14 or younger in FY 2007 and '08.
In 2011, 42 percent of unaccompanied children in government custody were found “potentially eligible for relief” to remain in the US legally, according to a study by HHS’s Legal Access Project in partnership with the Vera Institute of Justice.
6) What kind of legal status can these children receive in the US?
Of 42 percent found eligible for relief in 2011, more than half were categorized under Special Immigrant Juveniles Status, which is aimed at foreign children in the US who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected.
Children who get a green card through this program can live and work permanently in the United States, but they can never petition for a green card for their parents. They also cannot petition for a green card for any siblings until they become a US citizen.
Children can also stay in the US if they can show that they may be persecuted or tortured if they return home. One such form of relief is asylum, as defined under international refugee conventions. Another protection is called “withholding,” which is for people not eligible for asylum but who still may be subject to harm in their home country.
Other protections exist for children who are victims of human trafficking or criminal activity.
7) What percentage of children fail to appear in court?
Specific figures for unaccompanied children are unavailable, according to the Legal Access Project. But children who are placed with a sponsor and leave government custody have more opportunity to skip their court appearance.
Statistics from the Executive Office of Immigration Review show that 20 to 30 percent of all immigrants failed to appear in court between 2008 and 2012.
Juan Osuna, director of the Justice Department's Executive Office of Immigration Review, told a Senate panel on Wednesday that "46 percent of juveniles actually don't show up before their immigration hearings."
8) What’s behind the flood of unaccompanied children?
Conditions in the “sending countries.”
The Obama administration’s policy of not deporting young undocumented people who arrived as children, or “Dreamers.”
Rumors spread by smugglers.
Economic opportunity and family reunification.
The prospect that Congress will eventually legislate a path to citizenship for those in the country illegally. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2012/06/obama-to-speak-on-new-immigration-rules/1

That pretty Much says it all and sums up what I know about immigration.
I actually know more. The rest of this Note/Blog is articles, stories I read about online and audio posting giving important historical facts about immigration in America.
Why do I feel the need to put a lot of my research into one blog? I want to use this blog as a resource that I can refer to often or as often as I need to. I want this note/blog to be used as a tool that all who read it can copy and past or share it with those who still don't get it. Education for anyone willing to use it. I Wrote this Blog as Much for Me as Much as I did for Everyone else.
For that reason, I will make the end of this Note/Blog as full of Valuable Information as I possibly can.
I have to start off with the Audio clips I found on YouTube of Constitutional Expert and Conservative Talk Radio Show Mark Levin who has given anyone and everyone who will listen the BEST Education about America's History of Immigration that Anyone could get.
Please Listen to these Clips first:
Mark Levin's three-part plan to confront illegal immigration
Mark Levin Explains How Our Immigration Problems Came to be
Mark Levin talks about Dwight Eisenhower's immigration policies and how he dealt with illegal aliens
Mark Levin: Cesar Chavez, who is revered by the left, was a vehement opponent of illegal immigration
Mark Levin: Cesar Chavez, Ralph Abernathy, Truman, Eisenhower - they all opposed illegal immigration
Mark Levin: John McCain says illegal aliens live "in the shadows" and "deprived" of human rights...
Mark Levin: "Has There Ever Been A Bigger Moron" Than John McCain?
Darn Right I'm Angry about this Border Crisis aka Immigration Refugee Invasion! Who wouldn't be?
Mark Levin lays out Obama’s actual record on immigration over the last few years
Mark Levin explains how our immigration problems came to be
Mark Levin exposes Obama lies, why his immigration policies deadly for America
Mark Levin Explains The Enormous Opportunity Republicans Have on Illegal Immigration
I have also heard critics of protesters who protest these Refugees invading America illegally say that we're Not being Christian or "Who would Jesus deport?"?
My Friend, C Steven Tucker, answered those claims by saying, 'My response was threefold:
1.) Jesus Christ was NOT a government official. He was the son of God who came here to preach the good news. Not to set public policy. That said, Jesus did speak about government. What did he command? He commanded the following:
"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." - Matthew 22:21. Here Jesus made clear that we are to submit to earthly authority so long as that authority does not usurp God's law. This would include paying our taxes and following the rule of law which includes NOT violating our immigration laws by sneaking over the border, especially when 11 million people are currently waiting in line to come here LEGALLY.
2.) As Allan Wall correctly states. The real question is “Do human governments have the authority to control their borders and deport illegal aliens?”
There is nothing in the Bible or Christian doctrine that denies such authority.
In fact, in Acts chapter 17, the apostle Paul, in his discourse to the Aereopagus, states that God “…hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation..” (Acts 17:26, KJV)
The Greek word for "Nation" used in the text is ethnos (ἔθνος), from which derives our English word “ethnic”. We find in this verse a justification for ethnic-based nation states with DEFINABLE BORDERS.
3.) Jesus Christ would NEVER advocate that ANY parent ABANDON their children as young as the age of 5, hand them over to a criminal, put them on a train and send them thousands of miles to a foreign nation with the only tie to mommy and daddy being a phone number written down inside their underwear band. The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 5:8: "But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and ESPECIALLY for members of his OWN HOUSEHOLD, he has DENIED the faith and is WORSE than an unbeliever."
None of this made any difference to Liberals because they suffered from the mental illness known as Liberalism. Liberals are RULED, ENSLAVED and GOVERNED by EMOTIONS. However, if you come across someone who does not suffer from this horrible disease this information may be helpful.
More Links and Articles I Found Informational, Educational and Valuable to this Immigration Issue:
87% of illegal Mexican immigrants caught have criminal records I hope people will take the time to not only watch this, but to really pay attention to what those of us in AZ have been trying to warn about:
It's OK for Mexico to Secure their Border with Guatemala but America Can't Secure Our Southern Border Against Mexico? Rediculous!
$338 Billion a Year on Illegal Immigrants is too much to ignore! Amnesty is going to Cost Tax Paying American Citizens AT LEAST $2.6 Trillion!
Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least$2.6 Trillion
The Heritage Foundation Welfare Tab for Children of Illegal Aliens Estimated at $600M in L.A. County
Can Obama legalize 11 million immigrants on his own?
Border crisis: Should Obama send in the National Guard? (+video)
Unaccompanied children not fleeing violence, says Guatemala's first lady
"The numbers are astounding.
The New York Times reports an estimated 290,000 illegal immigrants, including 52,000 unaccompanied children, have crossed the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley to cities around the county, just in recent months."
Laura Ingraham goes off on "illegal alien kids."
“We’re being invaded!” Dan Bongino warns of devastating threats because of our unsecured border
ON THE BORDER: Illegal Immigration – What ranchers have to deal with
6 Cities React to Illegal Immigrants in Their Communities 4. Oracle, Arizona
About 65 demonstrators gathered near the small town of Oracle in Arizona to speak out against the surge of Central Americans into their community. Protestors say their communities are at risk.
OBAMA PAYING FAMILIES $6000 PER MONTH TAX FREE TO HOUSE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CHILDREN http://wwwlibertyfriends.blogspot.com/2014/07/your-tax-dollars-hard-at-work.html
If You are Against Illegal Immigration, Amnesty and Want our Borders Sealed Like My Page! https://www.facebook.com/PrincipledConservativesWithPassion
Senate dems side with illegal immigrants over veterans
Illegal Border Crossers Offered 24 Hour Laundry Service, Movies, Social Workers, Sauteed Zucchini
White house to request 2 Billion to handle influx in illegal immigrant children caused by Obamas lawlessness
THIS IS A MUST READ IF YOU ARE REALLY INTERESTED IN WHAT IS HAPPENING IN OUR STATE AND THE CURRENT CREATED 'HUMANITARIAN CRISIS'!http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/immigration/item/18354-dhs-congress-in-collusion-for-amnesty?fb_action_ids=10202057592027960&fb_action_types=og.likes
Ex Border agents immigrant flood orchestrated
Arizona Republicans threaten action over immigration
Border Patrol agents threatened with criminal charges for speaking to reporters
U.S. Border Patrol Agents Forced To Change Diapers, Heat Baby Formula As Illegal Immigrant Children Flood Border…
Illegal Border Crossers Offered 24 Hour Laundry Service, Movies, Social Workers, Sauteed Zucchini
Obama risking lives of agents says border patrol union
White house to request 2 Billion to handle influx in illegal immigrant children caused by Obamas lawlessness http://www.redflagnews.com/headlines/white-house-to-request-2-billion-to-handle-influx-in-illegal-immigrant-children-caused-by-obamas-lawlessness
Border agent issues desperate plea for help says us is completely overrun by criminal illegal aliens
Border Patrol Sector To Release 500 Illegal Aliens Per Week Into US
Sessions On Surge Of Illegal Immigrant Children Obama Has Nobody To Blame But Himselfhttp://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/06/02/Sessions-On-Surge-Of-Illegal-Immigrant-Children-Obama-Has-Nobody-To-Blame-But-Himself
Sessions On Surge Of Illegal Immigrant Children Obama Has Nobody To Blame But Himself
Obamas red state revenge
Senate dems side with illegal immigrants over veterans
THIS IS A MUST READ IF YOU ARE REALLY INTERESTED IN WHAT IS HAPPENING IN OUR STATE AND THE CURRENT CREATED 'HUMANITARIAN CRISIS'!http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/immigration/item/18354-dhs-congress-in-collusion-for-amnesty?fb_action_ids=10202057592027960&fb_action_types=og.likes
Fantastic summary of what's really happening in the border invasion of America and who's behind it. Refugee resettlement is big business with 9 federal contractors profiting from this invasion of so called refugees. Obama has asked for $2 billion more dollars to help with the "humanitarian crisis" he created!
Obama has set this up beautifully with a radical DHS Secretary, Jeh Johnson, whose focus is on getting these illegals into the U.S.
He's even stated that he feels these illegals have a right to be here. The loophole of credible danger is allowing anyone and everyone to come over.
The stats simply don't support the so called fear they say is causing them to flee their home country.
Here's the latest spin from the DHS Secretary that you can read into. Note the focus is on the "kids" and getting them what they need.
The mainstream media that seems incapable of digging more deeply into the invasion crisis on the border and acting like the “children” just showed up one day. This is an organized invasion that I firmly believe is driven directly from a treasonous White House.
And, whether they actually helped spread the word to Central Americans to get here NOW or not, the federal refugee contractors will soon be rolling in dough (your dough) to care for the invaders. (See my earlier post this morning, criminals or refugees?).
Last June I attended a meeting in Lancaster PA where ORR officials announced there would be a dramatic increase in “unaccompanied children” this year—how did they know that a year ago?
This is directly from the US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement description of the “Unaccompanied Alien Children” program. Incidentally it used to be referred to as “Unaccompanied minors” but the word “children” probably sounded more warm and fuzzy to them and was added at some point!
The Senate Appropriations Committee has voted to give HHS $2 billion!
The “children” are mostly boys older than 14 years old!
This is where your $2 billion will go (if passed by Congress):
Following the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) mission, which is founded on the belief that new arriving populations have inherent capabilities when given opportunities, ORR/ Division of Children Services/Unaccompanied Alien Children program provides unaccompanied alien children (UAC) with a safe and appropriate environment as well as client-focused highest quality of care to maximize the UAC’s opportunities for success both while in care, and upon discharge from the program to sponsors in the U.S. or return to home country, to assist them in becoming integrated members of our global society.
On March 1, 2003, the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Section 462, transferred responsibilities for the care and placement of unaccompanied alien children (UAC) from the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service to the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Since then, ORR has cared for more than 92,000 UAC, incorporating child welfare values as well as the principles and provisions established by the Flores Agreement in 1997, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and its reauthorization acts, the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) of 2005 and 2008.
Unaccompanied alien children (UAC) apprehended by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) immigration officials, are transferred to the care and custody of ORR. ORR makes and implements placement decisions in the best interests of the UAC to ensure placement in the least restrictive setting possible while in federal custody. ORR takes into consideration the unique nature of each UAC’s situation and incorporates child welfare principles when making placement, clinical, case management, and release decisions that are in the best interest of the child. View the infographic about the UAC process.
The dramatic increase came when Obama gave amnesty to the “Dreamers” in 2012.
Their youth, their separation from a protective environment or person, and the hazardous journey they embark make UAC especially vulnerable to becoming victims of human trafficking, exploitation, and abuse. UAC have multiple, inter-related reasons for undertaking the difficult journey of traveling to the United States. UAC leave their home countries to rejoin family already in the United States, to escape abusive family relationships in their home country, or to find work to support their families in the home country.
General Statistics about UAC
*An unaccompanied alien child is a child who has no lawful immigration status in the United States; has not attained 18 years of age; and, with respect to whom, there is no parent or legal guardian in the United States, or no parent or legal guardian in the United States available to provide care and physical custody.See 6 U.S.C. § 279(g)(2)
Reasons why these minors have come to the United States include, but are not limited to, the following:
*To escape violence, abuse or persecution in their home countries*To find family members already residing in the United States*To seek work to support themselves; their family, or their own children*Were brought into the United States by human trafficking rings
The majority of UAC are cared for through a network of state licensed ORR-funded care providers, most of which are located close to areas where immigration officials apprehend large numbers of aliens. These care provider facilities are state licensed and must meet ORR requirements to ensure a high level of quality of care. They provide a continuum of care for children, including foster care, group homes, shelter, staff secure, secure, and residential treatment centers. The care providers operate under cooperative agreements and contracts, and provide children with classroom education, health care, socialization/recreation, vocational training, mental health services, family reunification, access to legal services, and case management.
There is more, read it all.
Addendum: if you think this is a problem for the border states only, wait for it! HHS is scouting your town now for suitable buildings in which to house the kids!
Obama MUST be impeached, and the GOP leadership must get out!!! Our own government is derelict in its duties in protecting us and purposefully taking action to harm us!! WE ARE ALLOWING DISEASED PEOPLE AND GANG MEMBERS TO COME IN! Yet the GOP does nothing but allow Obama to encourage more illegal immigrants to come in. The GOP and the Chamber of Commerce wants it too. Maybe when a gang member rapes or kills one of their family members or a diseased person infects them, they will see the danger."Border Patrol officials struggling to keep up with the increasing number of minors illegally crossing the Mexican border are not turning away persons with known gang affiliations. Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in the Rio Grande Valley, explained that a Border Patrol agent he represents helped reunite a teenage gang member with his family in the United States. Cabrera notes the young member of Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a transnational criminal gang, had no criminal record in the U.S., but asks, 'If he’s a confirmed gang member in his own country, why are we letting him in here?' 'I’ve heard people come in and say, ‘You’re going to let me go, just like you let my mother go, just like you let my sister go. You’re going to let me go as well, and the government’s going to take care of us,’'Cabrera says. “Until we start mandatory detentions, mandatory removals, I don’t think anything is going to change. As a matter of fact, I think it’s going to get worse.'”


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