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The centuries-old oath taken by health care professionals reads, “Do no harm.” It is time for Washington lawmakers to take a similar approach when working to fix the problems that exist in our broken health care system. Simply repealing the President's health care law is not enough—it must be replaced.
Conservatives recognize that patient-centered reforms rooted in free markets are the best way to lower costs and solve problems in our health care system. That is why the Republican Study Committee (RSC) is proud to bring forward a pragmatic, practical, and portable free-market alternative to the current health care system. Simply put, our bill is a better way forward. Specifically, H.R. 3121, the RSC's American Health Care Reform Act:
- Fully repeals President Obama's health care law, eliminating billions in taxes and thousands of pages of unworkable regulations and mandates that are driving up health care costs.
- Spurs competition to lower health care costs by allowing Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines and enabling small businesses to pool together and get the same buying power as large corporations.
- Reforms medical malpractice laws in a commonsense way that limits trial lawyer fees and non-economic damages while maintaining strong protections for patients.
- Provides tax reform that allows families and individuals to deduct health care costs, just like companies, leveling the playing field and providing all Americans with a standard deduction for health insurance.
- Expands access to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), increasing the amount of pre-tax dollars individuals can deposit into portable savings accounts to be used for health care expenses.
- Safeguards individuals with pre-existing conditions from being discriminated against purchasing health insurance by bolstering state-based high risk pools and extending HIPAA guaranteed availability protections.
- Protects the unborn by ensuring no federal funding of abortions.
Repeal and Replace Obamacare: It's Time for Reform
Obamacare is a train-wreck full of broken promises that is increasing health care costs and interfering with the doctor patient relationship. Obamacare must be stopped. We recently sat down with Americans from across the country to ask their opinions of Obamacare and how it is affecting them in the workplace.
There is a better way to the one-size-fits-all approach of Obamacare. That is why the Republican Study Committee (RSC) isproud to bring forward a pragmatic, practical, and portable free-market alternative to the current health care system without the unworkable taxes and mandates forced on American families through the President’s health care law.
There is a better way to the one-size-fits-all approach of Obamacare. That is why the Republican Study Committee (RSC) isproud to bring forward a pragmatic, practical, and portable free-market alternative to the current health care system without the unworkable taxes and mandates forced on American families through the President’s health care law.
Repeal and Replace Obamacare: It's Time for Reform
Obamacare is a train-wreck full of broken promises that is increasing health care costs and interfering with the doctor patient relationship. Obamacare must be stopped. We recently sat down with Americans from across the country to ask their opinions of Obamacare and how it is affecting them in the workplace.
There is a better way to the one-size-fits-all approach of Obamacare. That is why the Republican Study Committee (RSC) isproud to bring forward a pragmatic, practical, and portable free-market alternative to the current health care system without the unworkable taxes and mandates forced on American families through the President’s health care law.
There is a better way to the one-size-fits-all approach of Obamacare. That is why the Republican Study Committee (RSC) isproud to bring forward a pragmatic, practical, and portable free-market alternative to the current health care system without the unworkable taxes and mandates forced on American families through the President’s health care law.
What They Are Saying About the American Health Care Reform Act
“I would urge all Congressmen to co-sponsor and vote for this pro-taxpayer bill. This legislation is perfectly consistent with The Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and is a quantum leap forward for both health and tax policy.” – Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform |
"On balance, the RSC plan builds on what has made American health care unique and a step ahead of all the rest. It would reinvigorate competition based on value—that is, competition focused not only on reducing costs but also on increasing quality and benefit—and would encourage innovation. Those are the characteristics that, in the past, have led others around the world to look to America for the highest quality care." – Nina Owcharenko, Director, Center for Health Policy Studies: The Heritage Foundation |
“Such a shift toward portability in coverage would better align tax policy with today’s dynamic workforce and help to expand insurance options by providing financial flexibility directly to individuals and families...I hope the tax and fiscal provisions of the American Health Care Reform Act are quickly adopted into law. NTU applauds you for your dedication to repealing Obamacare and implementing those important reforms.” – Brandon Arnold, Vice President of Government Affairs, National Taxpayers Union |
“On behalf of Americans for Prosperity’s two million activists across this country, I applaud you for introducing the American Health Care Reform Act…Americans for Prosperity is encouraged by efforts to repeal ObamaCare and finally move towards a free-market health care system.” –Christine Hanson, Federal Affairs Manager, Americans for Prosperity |
"With Obamacare failing on virtually all fronts this is a truly well thought out legislative solution in an effort to fix what's broke, preserve what's right and enhance quality, access and affordability for millions of Americans, particularly the elderly. 60 Plus enthusiastically endorses your proposals." - Jim Martin, Chairman, 60 Plus Association |
"A constant trope of the left, repeated yet again by President Obama, is that the right doesn't have alternatives to Obamacare -- that they just care about cost, that they want to take healthcare away, that they don't care about helping people or providing real solutions to the problems that beset out health care system even before the Affordable Care Act passed. And if you ask if people who don't yet support repealing the ACA why not, even if they don't like it, it is because they see no other options. It is critical that opponents of this law -- which will do so much to harm medical care and the choices and innovation we used to take for granted -- put forth a range of reform bills that expand choice and personal control, reduce costs, ensure access, and maintain and enhance the quality of medical care in this country." - Heather Higgins, President and CEO, Independent Women's Voice |
“Chairman Scalise and Dr. Roe have developed, with their RSC colleagues, a package of key health reform initiatives that move us toward a system that would put doctors and patients, not remote bureaucracies, in charge of medical decisions. Giving people more choices of portable health coverage would stimulate innovation in both insurance and medical care. This competition would drive down costs and make coverage accessible to millions more Americans. This is the right vision for health reform” - Grace-Marie Turner, Galen Institute (for identification purposes only) |